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Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

Broadleaves and Wood Rising, Seer Green, Buckinghamshire - Tier 1

Broadleaves, Seer Green, Buckinghamshire
funds raised

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Investment Summary

OVERVIEW – Investors in this opportunity will provide financing to refinance the current debt and assist the Borrower in selling a Property that they have already built (Broadleaves, Seer Green, Buckinghamshire) and purchase another site which they have contractually exchanged on (Wood Rising, Seer Green, Buckinghamshire). 


LOCATION – Both Properties are situated approximately 0.5 miles to the southwest of the centre of the village of Seer Green, Buckinghamshire, and two miles to the northeast of central Beaconsfield. Seer Green has facilities including a public house / restaurant, primary school and sporting clubs.